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  • Riemannian framework for ODF computing

  • In High Angular Resolution Diffusion Imaging (HARDI) processing, Orientation Distribution Function (ODF) in every voxel is the probability density function that is used to describe the probability of the fiber direction. How to find an appropriate way to process this kind of manifold-valued data is one of the most important issues in HARDI field.

    Here we proposed a natural, intrinsic Riemannian framework for ODF computing. It is based on the information geometry theory and sparse representation of orthonormal basis. In this Riemannian framework, the exponential map, logarithmic map and geodesic have closed forms. And the weighted Frechet mean and median exist uniquely on this manifold. We also propose a novel scalar measurement, named Geometric Anisotropy (GA), which is the Riemannian geodesic distance between the ODF and the isotropic ODF. The Renyi entropy of the ODF can be computed from the GA. Moreover, we present an Affine-Euclidean framework and a Log-Euclidean framework so that we can work in an Euclidean space.

    Lagrange interpolation on ODF field is proposed based on weighted Frechet mean. Compared with existing Riemannian frameworks on ODF, our framework is model-free. The estimation of the parameters, i.e. Riemannian coordinates, is robust and fast. Moreover it should be noted that our theoretical results can be used for any probability density function (PDF) under an orthonormal basis representation.

    Publications on this topic include:

  • Jian Cheng, Aurobrata Ghosh, Tianzi Jiang, Rachid Deriche, "Diffeomorphism Invariant Riemannian Framework for Ensemble Average Propagator Computing", 14th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI'11), Toronto, September 18-22, 2011. [PDF]

  • Jian Cheng, Aurobrata Ghosh, Tianzi Jiang, Rachid Deriche, "A Riemannian Framework for Orientation Distribution Function Computing", 12th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI'09), London, September 20-24, 2009. [PDF][Poster]

  • Jian Cheng, Aurobrata Ghosh, Tianzi Jiang, Rachid Deriche, "A Riemannian Framework for Ensemble Average Propagator Computing", in Proceedings of 19th Scientific Meeting and Exhibition of the (ISMRM), Montréal, Canada, May 7-13, 2011. [PDF]

  • Jian Cheng, Aurobrata Ghosh, Tianzi Jiang, Rachid Deriche, "Riemannian Median and Its Applications for Orientation Distribution Function Computing", in Proceedings of 18th Scientific Meeting and Exhibition of the (ISMRM), Stockholm, Sweden, May 1-7, 2010. [PDF][Poster]

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